Your help makes a difference
You can support us to provide an excellent education and a conducive learning environment, and to open doors for the young people in the rural area Ambatofotsy Gara of Madagascar. Should you want to donate please kindly write the project you would like to support as a reference. You may as well choose one or more students to support as you wish.
Bank name: BNI Madagascar
Account number: 73504920001
IBAN: MG4600005
Bank Identifier Code (BIC): CLMDMGMG
Code banque: 00005
Code guichet: 00001
Cle RIB: 96
Beneficiary: RANAIVOMANANA Valimbavaka Hosana
Bank details
Mobile money
Operator: Orange money
Mobile number: +261 32 35 539 27
Address: Lot III N 02 Fiadanana
City: Antananarivo
Postal code: 101
Country: Madagascar
First name: Valimbavaka Hosana